Substantial business of the Coos Watershed Association is conducted through committees
chartered by the Board of Directors. Board-level committees of the Association include:
- Executive Committee
- Finance Committee
- Governance Committee
These committees operate with the delegated power and authority of the Board of Directors to accomplish specific tasks, including but not limited to (a) making Board decisions, (b) authorizing expenditures, (c) adopting budgets, (d) setting policies, or (e) establishing programs. For more info on board committee makeup and responsibilities, see the Board Bylaws.
The Board may also establish any other working or advisory committee it deems appropriate. These non-board level committees do not have the power to make Board level decisions, authorize expenditures, adopt budgets, or establish programs. Current non-board level committees include:
- Outreach and Education Committee
For questions about committees or how to join one as a community member, contact Executive Director Haley Lutz at [email protected].