
Who We Are

We are a 501(c)(3) organization that helps watershed residents work together to improve the health of the Coos watershed. These efforts are rooted in science and driven by the belief that balance between economic and environmental interests is possible.

What We Do

The Coos Watershed Association creates a local, non-governmental network and funding resource so that landowners can easily communicate their issues and opportunities, and explore ideas and techniques for land management and watershed health.

What You Can Do

The Coos Watershed Association accepts donations in multiple forms. You can even donate your time! Every donation you make, big or small, strengthens our watershed by supporting community based education, monitoring, and restoration efforts.


Summer Watershed Connection Events!

We have a LOT of things happening this summer! We are excited to be unveiling some new events, focused on the intersections between outdoor time and physical, mental, social, and environmental health. Specifically, we are offering a new "Nature & Nurture" series, with support from the Marshfield Z-Club and Oregon Community Foundation, that will combine a stewardship activity (e.g., ivy pull) and a mindfulness/mental health activity. All parts of your brain will be used, and hopefully you will walk away feeling great, both mentally and physically! Make sure you scroll down to read more about the "Stress Less, Go Outside" presentation coming up in August, too!

We are also offering a summer "Movies in the Park(ing) Lot" series. Come enjoy a movie in this new community gathering space that also filters stormwater runoff and helps keep pollution out of the bay!

  • Arrive early to mingle and to hear a short presentation about the theme of the evening.
  • Bring snacks and something comfortable to sit on.
  • The Frying Nemo food cart will be set up for the Finding Nemo showing, so make sure you get there early to order food on September 6!
  • All movies are family-friendly, though we recommend teens and up for the documentaries.

See below for more info, and check back here for more event flyers as we continue to get things scheduled!

SAVE THE DATE: Stress Less, Go Outside - August 23-24,

We are excited to announce a new partnership with Oregon State University, in which Dr. Sabine Huemer will give a talk at the Egyptian Theatre called, "Stress Less, Go Outside: How Mindfulness in Nature Improves Mental Wellbeing." The talk will discuss the science behind mindfulness in nature and how we can build simple, no-cost activities into our daily routines to manage stress, promote well-being, and bring joy back into our lives.

The talk will take place at 6pm on Friday, August 23. The following morning, Saturday, August 24, Dr. Huemer will lead a Mindfulness in Nature activity (details and location TBA).

We're turning 30 this year!

Save the date for our birthday bash, which will be special this year because we're turning 30! If you'd like to be an event sponsor or donate auction items, see below!

Volunteer Opportunity: Native Plant Nursery Days in 2024

Join us for the next wave of volunteer days at our nursery!
We will be offering two volunteer days a month at our native plant nursery on the First Saturday and Third Thursday. The nursery is in the middle of a wetland preserve, so in addition to helping out with plant projects, you will also have the opportunity to watch birds and other wildlife. It is a magical place that we would love to share with YOU!
Where: Off of Catching Slough; exact location and directions will be provided upon sign-up.
Sign up (required): Contact Kara Klietz at or call 541-888-5922 Ext. 311. Feel free to email or call us with questions.
More info: To learn more about the Matson Creek Wetland Preserve and the role of native plants in watershed health, visit

See Us in Action!