
Who We Are

We are a 501(c)(3) organization that helps watershed residents work together to improve the health of the Coos watershed. These efforts are rooted in science and driven by the belief that balance between economic and environmental interests is possible.

What We Do

The Coos Watershed Association creates a local, non-governmental network and funding resource so that landowners can easily communicate their issues and opportunities, and explore ideas and techniques for land management and watershed health.

What You Can Do

The Coos Watershed Association accepts donations in multiple forms. You can even donate your time! Every donation you make, big or small, strengthens our watershed by supporting community based education, monitoring, and restoration efforts.


Work with us this winter! We are looking for full-time seasonal crew members to spend the winter with us. This is a great job for someone who isn't afraid to get wet and muddy by spending the rainy winter months digging holes and planting trees. Winter Crew Members also construct and maintain fence lines, assist with the operation and maintenance of the CoosWA native plant nursery, and help out with other winter restoration projects as needed. Check out our employment page for more info!

Nature & Nurture: Forest Bathing

Join us for the final Nature & Nurture event in our summer series on Saturday, September 28 from 1-5pm. Mossy Lotus will lead a guided forest bathing exercise along the Bay Area Hospital's wellness trail, and we will finish with an invasive species removal activity in the same area. All tools and gloves will be provided; bring what you need to feel comfortable outdoors. Note: the wellness trail is about a mile long and includes some elevation changes. Spots are limited--sign up here!

We're turning 30 this year!

Save the date for our birthday bash, which will be special this year because we're turning 30! This is our one fundraiser of the year, and a chance to raise funds for all the community projects that don't have readily available grant funding. Please join us and spread the word!

Tickets must be purchased in advance via Eventbrite ($50 + $5.20 processing fee). Get yours here!

Volunteer Opportunity: Native Plant Nursery Days in 2024

Join us for the next wave of volunteer days at our nursery!
We will be offering two volunteer days a month at our native plant nursery on the First Saturday and Third Thursday. The nursery is in the middle of a wetland preserve, so in addition to helping out with plant projects, you will also have the opportunity to watch birds and other wildlife. It is a magical place that we would love to share with YOU!
Where: Off of Catching Slough; exact location and directions will be provided upon sign-up.
Sign up (required): Contact Kara Klietz at or call 541-888-5922 Ext. 311. Feel free to email or call us with questions.
More info: To learn more about the Matson Creek Wetland Preserve and the role of native plants in watershed health, visit

What is a watershed?

Image Source: Center for Watershed Protection

It's a lot more than just water.

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