
Who We Are

We are a 501(c)(3) organization that helps watershed residents work together to improve the health of the Coos watershed. These efforts are rooted in science and driven by the belief that balance between economic and environmental interests is possible.

What We Do

The Coos Watershed Association creates a local, non-governmental network and funding resource so that landowners can easily communicate their issues and opportunities, and explore ideas and techniques for land management and watershed health.

What You Can Do

The Coos Watershed Association accepts donations in multiple forms. You can even donate your time! Every donation you make, big or small, strengthens our watershed by supporting community based education, monitoring, and restoration efforts.


2024 was a great year for CoosWA, and we are excited to tell you all about it!!

Check out our annual report, which includes photos and stories from some of our most exciting projects in 2024. This is a great place to learn about the types of work we do (restoration, monitoring, plants, invasive species, outreach, education, art, celebration...), how we are funded, how we use those funds, and who we need on our team to make this work happen.

All of our funds go to on-the-ground needs that tie directly to our mission. A large portion goes straight to local contractors, whether they are building bridges, putting logs into streams, producing videos, or painting murals. Look for the bold text throughout the report to see all of our amazing local contractors, without whom this work would simply not be possible.

Thank you for your support and partnership! We hope to see you around the watershed in 2025!


The Mayfly Festival is a free, all-ages, hands-on celebration of watershed ecology and interconnectedness through activities, games, live music, science, and art! It was created by the Coos Watershed Association and other local groups to shed light on the connections between community, the environment, and water.

What makes it special? You can dance to good music, eat some really good local food, make a costume, dip a net into the Mingus Pond to see what lives there, and learn about fish, insects, plants, compost, marine debris, gardening, the connections between human health and environmental health, and so much more!If you are a fan of music, nature, art, good food, and science, this is an event you will not want to miss! If you are interested in volunteering for the festival, click here. For updates, visit and follow the Coos Watershed Association on social media.

Seeking Coho monitoring interns!

We are seeking interns to assist with our salmon monitoring program this winter/spring! Interns will help us run the Rotary Screw Trap to collect, tag, and release juvenile salmon. Approximate dates are late February - June and will depend on whether candidates select an academic or work experience pathway. $1,500 stipends are available; see employment page for job description and more info. We are also recruiting for summer interns, so apply for one or both now!

What is a watershed?

Image Source: Center for Watershed Protection

It's a lot more than just water.

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